Researchers recruited 19 undergrads and 32 adults in their 60s and 70s. They split the older adults into two groups, based on the adults 'abilities to control their behaviors and impulses called executive function, which naturally declines with age. 研究人员找来19名大学生以及32名六、七十岁的老人做了项试验。根据自我控制能力(也就是执行功能,它会随着年龄的增长而降低)的不同,老人们被分成两组。
She says giving children a chance to use their imaginations for make-believe play can also help them develop executive function skills. 她还表示给孩子们发挥想象的机会来玩“过家家”这类游戏也能帮助他们发展执行功能技巧。
She says executive function skills can be improved. 她表示执行功能技巧能够被改善。
The collective evidence from a number of such studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brains so-called executive function a command system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. 许多类似的研究得到的证据足以证明,双语经历会提高大脑的所谓的执行功能:大脑的指挥系统,直接引导我们在计划、解决问题和完成其他各种思维任务时的注意力过程。
They split the older adults into two groups, based on the adults'abilities to control their behaviors and impulses& called executive function, which naturally declines with age. 研究人员把老年人分成了两组,以他们对行为及冲动的控制力为标准&即执行功能,它会随着年龄的增长自然而然地下降。
And frontality is your prefrontal cortex; it's the part of your brain that houses all your higher executive function. Frontality指你的前额叶皮层;作为大脑的一部分,它容纳了所有更高级别的执行功能。
Adolescence has long been known as prime time for developing cognitive skills for self-control, or executive function. 长久以来,青春期一直被视为赖以自制或执行的认知能力形成的黄金时期。
The Neuropsychological Study of Executive Function in Adolescent with Bipolar Disorder before and after Treatment 青少年双相障碍治疗前后执行功能的对照研究
Executive function of Nogo-P300 in patients with post-stroke depression 卒中后抑郁Nogo-P300的执行功能分析
Objectives: To study the correlated factors of executive function in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. 目的:探讨影响强迫性障碍患者执行功能的因素。
Reliability and Validity of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Teacher Form for School Age Children in China 青少年自评量表与儿童行为量表相关性研究学龄儿童执行功能行为评定量表教师版信效度
Characteristics of Counterfactual Thinking and Relationship between Counterfactual Thinking and Executive Function of Depressed Individuals 抑郁个体反事实思维特点及其与执行功能关系的研究
Schizotypal personality traits and executive function in college students 分裂型人格特征大学生的执行功能评定
When inactive people get more exercise, even starting in their70s, their executive function improves, as shown in a recent meta-analysis of18 studies. 最新一项针对18例研究的元分析显示:如果以前不爱运动的人加强锻炼,其执行功能也会得到改善――即使他们在70岁时才开始参加体育锻炼。
About Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Research in Autistic Spectrum Disorder's Executive Function 泛自闭症障碍执行功能的神经心理学和神经成像研究
Relationship between Executive Function and Calculating Capability of Grade-two Students in 24 Points Games 二年级小学生玩24点纸牌游戏与执行功能、计算能力的关系研究
There are three major hypotheses for rumination: the response styles theory, the goal-driven rumination and the self-regulatory executive function. 解释反刍思维的理论有反应风格理论、目标驱动反刍理论、自我调节的执行功能模型。
The executive function of actually running the business. 实际经营这家企业的管理功能。
Primary study on executive function in children with Ping-Pong training and swimming training 乒乓球与游泳训练儿童的执行功能比较研究
Fluvoxamine has the prior in improving memory score and executive function than chlorimipramine does. 氟伏沙明对记忆成绩和执行功能的改善作用优于氯丙咪嗪。
Correlation between facial emotion recognition and executive function in patients with schizophrenia 精神分裂症患者面部表情认知与执行功能的相关性研究
The effects of basal ganglia stroke on executive function and learning potential 基底核卒中对执行功能和学习能力的影响
Conclusion: The study suggests that guidance of speech strategy and efficiency training can promote executive function. 结论:外部言语策略指导和训练有助于提高小学生的执行功能。
Researchers say good executive function is important for success in school. 研究者表示好的执行效能对于在学校里的成功是很重要的。
Executive function includes basic functions like processing speed, response speed and working memory, the type used to remember a house number while walking from the car to a party. 执行功能包括如大脑处理速度、反应速度及运作记忆在内的一些基本功能。从车上下来走到一个聚会地点途中记忆的一个门牌号就属于运作记忆范畴。
Correlation between the MR DTI imaging of the frontal white matter damage and the clinical executive function in patients with Alzheimer's disease 阿尔茨海默病额叶白质损害的DTI与临床执行功能的关系脑白质切断术额叶前部的脑白质切断术
Objective: To enhance the performance of low executive function students by training tasks of inhibition, working memory and cognitive flexibility. 目的:通过训练提高在执行功能中抑制、工作记忆和认知灵活性上表现水平较低学生的成绩。
The Relation between Executive Function, Parenting and Chinese Children's Proactive and Reactive Aggression 执行功能、父母教养方式与儿童主动性及反应性攻击行为的关系
Study on the impairment of executive function in patients with single subcortical lesion stroke 皮层下单灶卒中后患者执行功能损害的研究
The executive function of governmental management and service must be strengthened; 强化政府管理和服务的行政职能;